Have you seen Kernel?
I like Kernel. It is such a simple language, yet so beautiful and powerful.
It is a lisp, you know, but more in the schemey-way.
So there is homoiconicity and hygienic macros and continuations.
All baked into the language.
But unlike other lisps, Kernel has it all first-class!
The main secret ingredient of Kernel is in its minimal core based on fexprs -
a concept so powerful that all other lisps resigned from it in fear!
The problem is, fexpred-code cannot be optimized A BIT. Not that it is optimal by construction, just that the compiler cannot MAKE IT more optimal.
But Kernel is a wonderful language to write a compiler for. And there are plenty of them in the wild. Probably more that there are users of Kernel, which certainly makes it an academic language.
That, and the fact that it is completely and formally specified in the author's PhD dissertation.
It is an interesting read by the way, but for starters
I would rather recommend The Kernel Underground.
So, if you are open to a new, wierd, lispy experience, then take a look and happy hacking!
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